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Act1 Presentations

Act1 Presentations
Throughout the years, Act1 has been involved with writing, directing, acting & filmmaking and we have managed to create a significant amount of work that contains theatre plays, short films & books.
Our most important work, soon to be added to our website, is the MORAL COURAGE WORKSHOPS, where students are taught to think for themselves so that they can make a difference in the world…here, now, today!
The world has yet to find,a way to prevent another Holocaust. Maybe this is a way. More anon.
Still, from our website, you can get information about us, read reviews of our books & movies and even order one of our books, scripted plays or films. An order form follows. Take a look. Thanks.
Other outlets for our materials are:
KKJ Synagogue & Museum, 280 Broome Street, NYC 10002